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 Here are our 2015 Winning Teams and Hunt Results!!!

Give us your feedback on the Hunt - email comments to THunter@PhoenixTreasureHunt.org


1st Place
"Homer's Hunters"
Charles Spellman
Miki Spellman
Brant Ivey
Conner Wareing
Colton Chase
Connell McCreary
2nd Place
"Analysis Paralysis"
Tait Vecsey
Karen Vecsey
Brian Buttram
Sandra Buttram
Chris Hewitt
Stephanie Hewitt
3rd Place
"White Boy Wrap"
Denise Gabaldon
Steve Gabaldon
Shelley Crowell
Jeff Crowell
Lauren Blanche
Jacob Blanche
Last Place
"Super Fartz and the Little Squirtz" Clinton Hungerford
Mary Hungerford
Jonathan Hungerford
Richard Hungerford
Johnathon Wright
Janae Hungerford

Note - Routes are not of equal length due to different Start and End positions for each Route and adjustment factors are included in the Adjusted Time to compensate for the differences.